Sony Xperia Z3 Vibrator Motor,Rumble Problem Solution,No Vibrate Problem Solution
These days normally all of us keep our phones on vibration mode, and this is mainly because of the fact that we feel more comfortable while our phones are on the vibration mode. The reason for this is that, we are the only one who know when we receive any text message or call from anyone, hence saving ourselves from awkwardness while in meetings, hospitals, Library’s or any other place where silence is mandatory or one needs to avoid any kind of distractions.
If you are a Sony Xperia Z3 user, and you love to keep your phone on vibration mode then it surely matters when your phone’s vibrator is giving you problems.
No, Vibration.
Low Vibration.
Sometimes it vibrates sometimes it doesn’t.
Reasons of Problems
The phone might be water damaged or have incurred any kind of physical damage.
Vibrator might be faulty.
Vibrator’s contacts might be rusty or they are not making proper contact with vibrator’s contact pins.
Any of the coils of vibrator might be damaged, hence causing this problem
Hardware Solution:

Clean Vibrator’s contacts.
Check vibrator with the help of a multi meter, if faulty replace.
Pull up or re-solder vibrator’s contacts pins.
Check Fuse, as shown on above image in blue colour, make a jumper
Please Note that we will edit these solutions or add new ones if found in this page at any time in the future. So feel free to come back anytime on this page to stay up to date.
How To Repair Sony Xperia Z3 No Vibrate Problem
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Note: Every repairing solution posted here is tested by at least one member of our team. Use the information available here at Your Own Risk. We are not responsible if any harm comes to your device during the repairing process.