Samsung GT-C3303Insert Sim IC Solution Jumper Problem Ways
Samsung C3303 Champ Sim card problem, how to fix the problem sim card on the Samsung GT-C3303 Champ, the problems on the connector or connector sim card sim card problems, the problems on the path to the sim card connector or connector lines sim card broke, the two issues we will provide instruction or step by step to fix it.
How to fix the sim card connector Samsung GT-C3303 Champ
Before you replace or repair the sim card connector sim card make sure the connector is really problematic and indeed should you replace or repair, please carefully sim card connector Samsung GT-C3303 Champ, when it is positive in trouble, please correct if they can in repair, if it can no longer be repaired you please replace new sim card connector, do the replacement sim card connector Samsung C3303 well, you can just take it off just using a blower, and for inserting the sim card can only be in done using solder, because if you use the blower can not, why not? Because under the PCB connector sim card too much Capacitor or resistor ic, which most likely will fall out if you are forced to put the sim card connector by means of a blower under the PCB, when inserting the sim card by way of addressing the blower from top or side of the sim card connector would be futile, kerna after completion plug your sim card connector plug is also broken, so the only way is to install the sim card connector via solder.
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Note: Every repairing solution posted here is tested by at least one member of our team. Use the information available here at Your Own Risk. We are not responsible if any harm comes to your device during the repairing process.
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