Samsung Galaxy J1 J100 Mic Modification Solution Ways
Samsung Galaxy J1 J100 Mic Ways Solution Ic Problem Jumper
Problems on Samsung Galaxy J1 J100 Mic Not Working, usually occurs due to mechanical shock and water damage, the damage is very rare if the mic is not caused by two things, water damage or due to collision, To repair Samsung SM-J100 Mic Not Working Try The following tips. To do repair Samsung Galaxy J1 J100 Mic Not Working, try your first check before hand mic in good condition or not, if the mic is damaged, you must replace the mic with a good mic, if after replacing the mic does not work, check the mic lines as shown below, if there is a path-breaking, try to make jumpers.
Changing Samsung J100 mic can be a little tricky. It is soldered on the motherboard so if you remove it remember it’s placing position and put the new microphone the same way the old one was. If you have broken prints of the microphone connection points I have marked all of them in the diagram below.
Please Note that we will edit these solutions or add new ones if found in this page at any time in the future. So feel free to come back any time on this page to stay up to date.
Hardware Solution:

So, check each of these resistors value, then replace if found already damaged.
If the supply voltage reading is okay, and the three resistors are also good, replacing the digital microphone will be the next option.
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Keep in mind:- The every solutions posted on Our website is well tested before by our specialist team, But still we do not take any responsibility for any damage it may cause to your cell phone. Use these repairing solutions at your own Risk, Thank you.
Samsung Galaxy J1 J100 Mic Solution Jumper Problem Ways Mic Not Working Microphone
Samsung SM-J100,Mic,Microphone,Mic Problem,Mic Solution,Mic Jumpers,Mic Ways