Download Lava Z92 Flash File And Tool (Stock ROM)

We have uploaded the latest Lava Z92 firmware, SP Flash Tool and MTK driver so you can download directly from our site. This firmware helps you to many software issues and also unbrick Lava Z92.
Lava Z92 Flash File is here with driver tool and guide. Lava Z92 is now available on the market and after release. To keep your device safe always save Lava Z92 Flash File to repair. You can also update Mobiistar C1 Shine smartphone and revert back to stock firmware, also If your Device Brick or Bootloop after installing Custom ROM’s, Kernels or anything this firmware will Unbrick Lava Z92.
The Advantage of Stock Firmware
- Flash Stock To Unbrick your Lava Z92.
- Flash Stock ROM to Fix the
bootloop problem - Upgrade and Downgrade Lava Z92
- Unroot or Fix Bugs on your phone
- To fix the lag or stutter on Lava Z92
- By flashing Stock ROM, you can solve software problems.
- Revert back to stock to gain your warranty.
Download Lava Z92 Firmware
Guide To Install Firmware:
- Download Tool, Driver, Firmware
- Then extract, Tool, driver.
- Now install USB drivers.
- After that open the Smart Phone Flash tool (flash_tool.exe).
- Then click the Scatter-loading button and browse and select the extracted firmware [MT6765_Android_scatter.txt] file which you have already downloaded.
- Now hit the download button.
- Switch off your phone and connect your phone to the PC by pressing vol down key.
- After the flashing, a green tick will appear.
- Disconnect your phone and turn it on.
Note: The first time it takes 5-10 minutes to boot.